"We are hard pressed on everyside, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."

2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Net

How do people survive this when they don't have a support system? I can't imagine. Even more, it makes me sick to think of women who have had to go through this being told that they were to blame. Afraid to turn in their attackers, afraid to tell people of the wrong that had been done to them, or not being believed when they did. What is wrong with our world?

It makes me so sad to think that many victims of this kind of violence go through feelings of guilt and shame. I can't say enough about how far any of that is from my reality. I know that now we are coached to tell a victim that it's not their fault and I have heard that so much over the last 6 weeks. However, this was never a thought in my mind and when people tell me this, inside I just think, "well duh, of course it's not my fault." There is no scenario where something being done to you against your will could possibly be your fault.

I have been so taken care of and more importantly, loved. I'm so grateful, you have no idea. I have been given so many beautiful expressions of love from you all. Some of you have just the right words, some of you offer a comforting soup (or other delicious meal), many of you have shared with me your own pains and struggles, some have given care packages or flowers, one has created meaningful art. You all are amazing and you are my net. The net that catches us when we need catching.

My song for today is "Family" by Dar Williams. "You are my family." So much love from me to all of you :)


PolarBarb said...

Dear Traci ~ I continue to pray for you and your dear family. I ask the Lord to continue to bring healing in all areas, provide the housing you need, give wisdom in your personal decisions and any choices you may have regarding punishment (consequences of actions) and discipline (for redemptive results)of the attacker,and that He will draw each of you closer to each other and to Him. Have a blessed day.

Unknown said...

Amen to everything you said! But I especially agree with your opening sentence about having a support system. I've always felt a part of one, but never more than when we really need it. At the service we had the week of your attack I was again overwhelmed to be a part of our Trinity community. The words and deeds people share in times of need are not just token phrases, but a true expression of love and caring.